Teaching your puppy the “down” command
by using the positive method.
Remember that the positive method is based on reinforcing good behaviour. It is based on respect, kindness, analysis and understanding of canine behaviour.
The aim is to work on the dog’s motivation and cooperation.
First, get to a quiet place without distractions.
We can start the exercise.
Put the puppy in a sitting position.
Say the puppy’s name + the word “down” + a gesture with your hand. You are standing next to your dog. You start with a kibble in your hand. Make your dog feel your hand. The hand goes down the dog’s body. The dog’s head will follow the hand. When the hand is on the ground, move the hand away so that the dog lies down. Reward him with the kibble.
Repeat the exercise several times.
Then repeat the exercise without kibble in your hand.
You reward once the exercise is completed.
When you give the reward, add physical contact, caresses, words…
Increase the level of difficulty as you go along using the 3D rule.