A dog’s instinct is to defend its territory against the unknown, but it can also bark to let you know that it wants something.
Barking to play
Many dogs bark when they see others to invite them to play with them. This is quite normal. It is up to you to decide how much barking is acceptable and when it should stop.
In the garden, when the pack gets excited, motivates itself by barking a little too loudly, I tell them to “shush” firmly, without shouting. They stop.
The barking of loneliness
Your dog may bark when you leave him alone at home. Try putting on music, giving him his toys, games that require more attention and work to keep him occupied when you are away.
Leave your dog a piece of clothing with your scent on it or another object with a familiar smell.
It is important to teach him to be alone.
The barking of a guard
The dog barks mainly to give warning. If your dog sees someone approaching the house, he will bark to let you know. In his eyes you are the ‘leader of the pack’. Your dog is warning you of potential danger. Let your dog bark to get your attention, then shut him up once you are sure there are no intruders. And reward him for warning you.
In the garden, my dogs run to the gate and bark to warn me that someone is approaching. I arrive, shut them up, let them know I’m taking over by talking to them and always thank them with a voice and a smile.
The dogs are silent, they have done their “guard duty” and are very proud to be congratulated!

Learning the command “shut up”.
To teach your dog to obey you when you tell him to be quiet, you must first
Get his attention when he barks by using a noisy object.
Then say the dog’s name + the command “shut up”.
As soon as your dog stops barking, congratulate him.
Personally, I never give kibble as a reward because the dog has stopped barking. (This would only increase his barking).
PLEASE NOTE: Never shout at him to shut him up. This could make them anxious and undermine the learning process.
In addition, your dog could easily mistake your cries for barks similar to his own. Screaming only reinforces his barking habit.
Example of a fun game
which avoids boredom, loneliness, develops their instinct to search…

The dog is stimulated. He will keep himself busy for a long time by sniffing, looking for the kibble hidden under the carrots, removing the carrots, eating the kibble then playing with the carrots…
What to do with a howling dog?
Understanding the reasons for the howling
Video explanation by Dr Charlotte RENARD
Consulting veterinarian for