The first steps in training your puppy.
Table of contents
Puppies and steps video
Puppies and branch vidéo

1 – On his arrival,
Place the puppy on the ground.
The puppy must discover, explore and feel his new territory.
The puppy needs to be calm in order to be confident.
If you have children, tell them to be quiet, not to jump or run around. Delay the arrival of family and friends. This will be done gradually.
Limit certain parts on arrivalso that the puppy understands which parts are allowed and which are not.
During the first few days, maintain this calm and peaceful atmosphere. The puppy has to get used to his new environment, new sounds, new smells. He was separated from his mother, his siblings and his breeder. He needs to get his bearings. Let the puppy come to you. Don’t chase after him.
After a few days, the puppy is acclimatised and you can feel it.
The puppy is ready to see new people.
You can now start to teach him the first commands.
Please note that one word = one order.
Teach him only one word at a time. This will avoid confusion.

2 – Teach him his name.
Teach him to obey you, to listen to you.
Call his name, he comes, give him a kibble and congratulate him.
Let the puppy roam around and repeat the exercise.
Repeat the exercise several times.

3 – Teach him his basket.
A place where he will be calm, where he can take refuge if he wants to be quiet.
Do not disturb it when it is in its basket.
Put the puppy and a kibble in the basket.
Let it come out. Put a kibble down, the puppy goes into his basket and then out again.
Repeat the exercise several times.

4 – teach him to to pee and poo outside
There are a few rules to follow and above all to get it out:
1- when you wake up (as soon as you get up, before your shower, your coffee…)
2- after his meal
3- after his nap
4- after cuddling or intense play

5- teach it not to nibble on you
You must not scold him.
It is important to know that the puppy was playing with his brothers and sisters by chewing.
We must teach him thatthe touch of our hand on him is not a game but a caress.
Touch him, if he does not nibble, congratulate him.
If he tries to nibble, withdraw your hand (with a squeak).
Repeat the exercise.

6 – “Nonsense”
The puppy needs to chew. For you, he is doing something stupid by chewing on objects that are “forbidden” to him. He doesn’t know.
Teach him what he can destroy = his toys.
The use of a toy box is very useful.
When he chews on shoes or other items, take a toy from the crate and play with it for a while. Then let him play alone.
The puppy will get used to picking up his games.

Your puppy may not want to do the exercise. He has the right to do so. Do not force him. Perhaps he is tired or simply needs to be left alone.
Repeat the exercise later.

30 Million Friends Foundation
Foundation for the protection and defence of animals.
Children have to learn too!
Video explanations by Nicolas GREVELDINGER
Dog trainer