When to take your puppy out?
1- when you wake up (as soon as you get up, before your shower, your coffee…)
2- after his meal
3- after his nap
4- after cuddling or intense play

From what age?
I start potty training at 6 weeks of age.
At two months, the puppies go out several times during the day and twice at night. Their playpen remains clean.
It is important to know that a puppy can control its sphincters from 5 – 6 months.

How do we do it?
Take your puppy in your arms (this prevents him from doing it on your doormat, in the corridor or lift of your building). Take it outside and put it on the ground.
Say his name + the word ‘pee‘.
You have to let him feel his environment, walk around in circles…
Wait until he has done so and reward him very strongly after a pee, a poo outside.
You must show your joy!
The puppy made inside?
In front of you: pick him up and take him straight outside.
Not seen: Not seen Not taken
No punishment, the puppy is allowed to miss.
Please note! Never clean in front of your puppy!
If you clean up in front of him, the puppy understands that he is getting your attention and will do it again.
The puppy should be isolated in another room (he should not see you), then clean with white vinegar.

Cleaning tips
Vinegar removes the smell.
Conversely, bleach attracts dogs and household products hide the smell of urine, they do not remove it.
Your puppy will sense and think that another dog has done his business and will therefore mark his territory.
How to get a clean puppy?
Video explanations by Alexis BONNARANG
Dog trainer in the Yvelines