Poms de la Lézardière is a small registered Family Breed of Pomeranian German Dwarf Spitzs since 2021.

We are located in the countryside in Essonne – France.

Dogs live at home, surrounded by humans, cats, birds, and other animals.

I use the method of positive education for all.

My method

Throughout these pages, I would like to share with you the education I give so that everyone is balanced, happy and fulfilled…

The positive methodworks just as well on me as it does on my children, my dogs and other animals in our lives. The learning difference is the species-specific communication code. Each living being has its own codes. It is up to us to adapt, to tame them, in order to obtain a perfect communication.

For the puppy: the way he learns the first codes with his mother; the socialisation to humans, to other people, to other animals; the relationship with me (his breeder)… all these factors, and many others, will determine his future behaviour.

chiot spitz nain - poméranian - orange - noire - noir et feu  - 11 mois, 13 mois et 9 mois

What are my motivations?

I have created this website not to sell my dogs, but to help people who are interested in the Pomeranian Dwarf German Spitz and who would like to learn more.

When I wanted to find out more about this breed several years ago, I found it very hard to find any information.

As a self-taught person, I did research all over the world. I wanted to share my knowledge with you via this website, which could serve as an encyclopaedia.

I’m far from finished, I still have a lot of chapters to include.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy your visit!

Coming soon:

Foods to avoid

chiot spitz nain poméranian-pomsdelalezardiere


Patience, serenity, being able to listen, always being available, reign here.

Happiness, well-being, respect and the joy of living together are fully in tune.

Ulric&Ugolin-poméranians noirs et feu-poms de la lézardière-5mai23

1 hour

Spitz Nain Pomeranian noir et feu- 2 mois-Poms de la lezardiere

2 months old


for more photos and videos; The puppies’ progress week by week…


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